5 Games we want for the Nintendo Switch. Editorial Features by Björn Jekel - October 23, 2017November 13, 2017 The other day I was talking to my good friend about the Nintendo Switch. Talking about it's possibilities, it's limitations and it's future. Of course,
Where to start: The Legend of Zelda (3D edition) Feature Features by Björn Jekel - August 7, 2017October 16, 2017 Game sequels, they are as common as ever. But with so many iterations of our favourite video game series, where do we start. 'Where to
Games with epic opening scenes. On how the start of a game can grab you! Features Features by Björn Jekel - July 12, 2017November 13, 2017 In a world where there are more and more games coming out, gamers have more choice then ever. Not only in terms of money, but
Where to Start: Metal Gear Solid series! Feature Features by Björn Jekel - July 5, 2017August 7, 2017 Game sequels, they are as common as ever. But with so many iterations of our favourite video game series, where do we start. 'Where to